This past week we had a great dinner catered by Adam Brenner, and two very informative presentations by Jen Goetz from the Region, and Steve Lichty from Tri-County Mennonite Homes. Steve gave us an update on Tri-County’s plan to expand and some fascinating statistics about why their work is so important for our community over the coming years.
Please read the updates below for more information about the Board’s events and community plans.
Executive members needed:
It’s that time again..We are looking for some individuals to join our executive! Get a say in the direction the Board of Trade takes, and make sure your voice is heard. It’s not a big time commitment — Only one meeting per month (and we still take a break over the Summer!)
If you would like to join, or have some questions about joining, please speak with myself, or any other member of your current executive!
Crossover updates from the Region:
Jennifer Goetz from the Region was able to attend our meeting this past week to update us on the crossovers being installed in New Hamburg. I am still waiting on responses to some excellent questions she was unable to answer on Wednesday night, but for now, here are the updates I have.
The region will be painting the lines on Huron Street for the crossover sometime in the coming few weeks. Expect to see some spaces lost on the north side of the street.
There is a plan to put in a light signal crossover on Peel Street on the corner of Huron Street. This will be done sometime this Fall or early Spring next year. No parking spaces will be lost here.
All-Candidates Meeting – Send us your Questions!:
We are hosting an All-Candidates Meeting for our Federal Election on October 16 at 7:30 at the New Hamburg Community Centre. All candidates are confirmed as attending.
If you have any questions you want to ask, please send them to myself at or to Barb at